NEW:Monster High:Sweet 1600! In Stores!

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Do I went to Toys "R" Us today & went straight to the MH section! Once I got in I screamed with joy & surprise! They had all 4 Sweet 1600 dolls! I ended up buying 1, Clawdeen (Review coming soon.)! I am ordering the rest or waiting for Toys "R" Us Time Square gets them! Here are so photos for proof...

Draculaura Sweet 1600:NEW Exclusive Box! In Stores?

Friday, November 25, 2011
So I was looking on eBay earlier & found this image of a Sweet 1600, Draculaura in the box! There is once again a NEW box design & a little sticker with a key in it for your smart phone to scan maybe? The box is really pretty can't wait for them to arrive in stores! Hehe... Anyways there was also an image of Clawdeen Wolf is in a box similar to Ula's box but a bit different! & Frankie's is same too but blue & Frankie's theme! Same for Clawd...Take a look...

NEW Monster High News! Monster High Webisodes.... Gone?

Thursday, November 24, 2011
So as I was reading over the Monster High Facebook I found this & it seems like they are phasing out the Monster High Webisodes... The reason I feel this way is because usually after a season finishes they have already put together half of the next season & well then it will air soon & Monster High Facebook is saying that there will not be any new Webisodes for a while... & it is over for "now". I will keep you updated about what I find out!

Series 2 Over! Series 3 Long Ways to Go...

Sunday, November 20, 2011
So as most of you know Series 2 has just ended & well they ended the series with a clasome victory! Well as most of you probably are dieing to now is when will Series 3 be coming? Well from what I know & from what the official Monster High knows it is gonna be a very long wait... Maybe not until next January!

Monster High: Fright On Clips!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Spectra Vondergiest! Fashion Pack! NEWS!

So this Fashion Pack was meant to be realeased next year but... Some one found it on eBay and bought it... It is really pretty! I am pretty sure it is real... ENJOY

Toralei Stripe! Dolls Found In Australia!

 So as most know Toralei will be in stores next month! But in Australia she is already on shelfs... Here are some official pictures of her in the box and out! ENJOY... A few things I wanted to point out was that the box is different! It is kinda mix between the first box and the second box! Also on the box it is advertising the new game which is cool too! On the back of the box it shows Nefera & Operetta! Well that is all for Toralei, you should be seeing her in shelfs early next month! These photos belong to "Naomi De Johnete". Thanks for these photos!